Category: Stories

  • The Perfect Snow Day

    This is actually a prediction to what would happen if something like a perfect snow day came along. I stared out the window. White flakes of snow drifted down to the ground before my eyes. “It’s snowing! It’s snowing!” I cried.  Valentina stuck her head into my bedroom. “What? Snowing?” she asked, looking around.  “Yes,…

  • The OLEA Society – Chapter 2

    This is a story I wrote together with my friends Olivia Herr and Audrey Yang. Enjoy! “Okay, before we go ballistic, let’s eat some dinner first, then make a plan to save our parents from the ends of the world!” So they went inside and Olivia and Audrey made PB&Js for all of them!  While…

  • The OLEA Society – Chapter 1

    This is a story I wrote together with my friends Olivia Herr and Audrey Yang. Enjoy! Olivia pulled a book with a blue leather cover out from one of the hundreds of shelves in the library. “Time Travel and Opposite Land,” the cover read. “This is perfect!” Olivia cried.  “What is it?” Emma scurried from…

  • The OLEA Society – Introduction

    This is a story I wrote together with my friends Olivia Herr and Audrey Yang. Enjoy! “Hi!” Olivia said as she walked down the stairs. Her friend Audrey was coming to her house for a study date or a playdate but you’re studying.  Audrey’s head appeared outside the window. “It’s early, but can we come…

  • The Story of the Alicorn

    The Story of the Alicorn

    Once upon a time, an Alicorn named Scarlett that made rainbows was working quietly with her friend dragon named Laura in a big cave. The cave was both of their homes. Suddenly a storm dragon started making a storm outside the cave. When Laura saw the storm dragon was her friend, Sarah, she rushed outside…

  • The Story of the New Dragon – Introduction

    There is a cave in a grassy, flat plain on a seemingly-imaginary planet called 295xv1. This cave is much larger and emptier in the inside than it looks like from the outside, and yet it gives you a sensation that someone is there. And there certainly is. Once you enter (if you’re brave enough to…

  • The Story of the Underwater Friends

    The Story of the Underwater Friends

    In the water, in a coral reef off the coast of Hawaii, a few unusual friends lived together. One of them was a dolphin named Olivia. She is a normal dolphin in many ways, except for her crystal blue eyes. She came from the other side of the island, searching for a rightful home, since…