The Perfect Snow Day

This is actually a prediction to what would happen if something like a perfect snow day came along.

I stared out the window. White flakes of snow drifted down to the ground before my eyes. “It’s snowing! It’s snowing!” I cried. 

Valentina stuck her head into my bedroom. “What? Snowing?” she asked, looking around. 

“Yes, it’s snowing! Come look!” I replied, moving out of the way.

“Wow! Cool!” Valentina yelled. 

“Quiet!” I half-whispered, half-screamed. “Mommy and daddy are still asleep!”

“Oh. Right.” Valentina muttered, staring at the ground.

“That’s okay. Come on, let’s do our morning chores, and see if we can play in the snow today!” I said, bouncing up and down.

One hour later…

“Can we play in the snow? Can we? Can we?” I begged my parents.

“Okay, as long as you don’t come back like a wet dog that just got pulled out of the sewer.” My mom replied.

“Yay!” I cried.

“Yay!” Valentina echoed.

Soon, we had put on our jackets, pants, and boots. “Let’s go!” I said.

My dad helped us drag the sled onto a hill. “Okay, now it’s your turn.” He said.

“Weehee!” I cried as I sledded down the hill. My hair streamed out behind me. I felt like I was flying. Then, with a bump, I crashed into the deep snow and ended up making a snow… Angelina, I guess. 

Valentina and I took turns sledding. When it started getting a bit boring, I decided to give Valentina a big surprise. I picked up some snow, shaped it into a ball, and… SPLAT! It went flying, and it crashed into Valentina’s jacket. “Ahhhh!” Valentina cried. When she got over the shock, she threw snowballs at me. I felt like I was being attacked by an army of snowballs. When Valentina finally stopped, I was trying to dig my way out of a castle of snow. I succeeded, but still, I came back like a  wet dog that just got pulled out of the sewer.

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