The OLEA Society – Introduction

This is a story I wrote together with my friends Olivia Herr and Audrey Yang. Enjoy!

“Hi!” Olivia said as she walked down the stairs. Her friend Audrey was coming to her house for a study date or a playdate but you’re studying. 

Audrey’s head appeared outside the window. “It’s early, but can we come in?” she asked loudly. 

Olivia was confused. “What do you mean by ‘we’?” she tipped her head. 

“My little sister Emma would like to come too,” Audrey explained. “So, can we come in?” she asked again impatiently. 

“Oh!” Olivia suddenly remembered Audrey was still outside. Quickly she checked the clock. It was 3:07 AM. Then she opened the front door, pulled the screen door open, and let Audrey step inside.

“I made waffles for all of us!” Audrey announced. 

“Shh! Be quiet! Lexie’s still asleep!” Olivia whispered. Lexie was her little sister. Even though it was sometimes needed to express something exciting or maybe joyous, Audrey still had a habit of talking loudly when she didn’t need to. 

Audrey put a hand over her mouth. “Sorry!” she mumbled. “Anyway,” Audrey said again, this time in a whisper, “I made waffles for all of us, including Lexie!” 

“Great!” Olivia smiled. Audrey may forget to stay quiet sometimes, but she was still warm-hearted and caring

By the time Lexie had awoken, it was already 7:03 in the morning. When Olivia told Lexie this, and what time it was when Audrey and Emma had come to her house, Lexie immediately said, “3:07 is the opposite of 7:03!” 

“Hey, that’s right!” Emma exclaimed. “Why didn’t I notice that?” 

Audrey and Olivia were best friends, and their sisters, Lexie and Emma, were best friends as well!

After breakfast, it was 8:09 AM. “Do you want to write a story with me?” Audrey asked. “We’ll first brainstorm for ideas and then write it together!” 

“That sounds like a good idea to me!” Olivia replied. “Right, girls?” 

Lexie and Emma both nodded in unison.

“Here! I got something from the web.” Olivia said. 

“What is it?” Lexie stuck her face into the room Olivia was working in, interested. 

“Can you tell others to come here? Then I’ll tell all of you.” Olivia replied.

“Alright!” Lexie hurried out of the room.

When everyone had come, Olivia explained to them what she had found. “There is a place called the ‘Land of Opposites’. Everything there is the opposite in some way. For example, when you go to that place, you speak the Opposite Language, where everything you say, you say the opposite of what you wanted to say. When you check the clock, the time is always the opposite of when you last checked it. Say, you last checked the clock and it’s 5:03 PM, then the next time you check it, it’s MP 30:5!”

Olivia’s words were met with silence. Finally, Audrey shuddered and remarked, “That sounds… terrible.” 

“I know, it is!” Lexie agreed. Emma nodded. 

“What time is it?” Audrey asked. 

Olivia checked the clock and replied, “It’s 9:08 AM.”  

Lexie, who had a great memory, looked up. “What?!” she asked. “When we last checked the clock, it was 8:09. Now it’s 9:08! They’re opposites! Then, when Audrey and Emma came, it was 3:07, then after that, the next time we checked the clock it was 7:03! Sister, you found something right on time! Something is wrong. But we don’t have a single clue what!”

“You’re right,” replied Emma gravely. “Something is wrong, and it’s up to us to warn the other people and find a way to fix this.”

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go and fix this!” Audrey was already walking toward the front door. 

“Wait a second.” Olivia held out a hand to stop Audrey. “Not only do we need to warn other people, but we need a plan. First, I would suggest some more research. Then we’ll build our plan from the research.”

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