The Story of the Alicorn

Once upon a time, an Alicorn named Scarlett that made rainbows was working quietly with her friend dragon named Laura in a big cave. The cave was both of their homes. Suddenly a storm dragon started making a storm outside the cave. When Laura saw the storm dragon was her friend, Sarah, she rushed outside to stop her. Then Scarlett made friends with Sarah. The new friends were drinking juice and eating cookies when a Unicorn started jumping on the roof of the cave. Scarlett quickly realized that the Unicorn was her friend Olivia. She used her magic to stop Olivia from jumping and pulled her into the cave so they could all make friends. They also ate treats and snacks. They went to the park and had fun. Then they went back into the cave and had to work again. This time nothing came to disturb them. They were so happy that they started eating lots and lots of snacks.

IT WAS A SPECIAL DAY. They were going to test their powers out. They rushed to the place that they were going to test their powers in. It was good that they were not late so they started testing out their powers. Scarlett was supposed to be first, but since Olivia also had magic she decided that they could work together. The park the friends were testing in had a lot of sick plants with an illness that only magic could cure. So Scarlett and Olivia cured the sick plants with their magic.

After that, they let Laura and Sarah test their powers out, too. To test out their powers, Laura and Sarah had to fly high up and move away the clouds with a huge tornado. Laura and Sarah worked together to create the tornado, and finally it was big enough to sweep away the clouds. Then the tornado went out of control. That was a good thing, though, because they had to stop the tornado so they didn’t need to sweep everything away. If the tornado stayed, everybody would be blown away!

3 responses to “The Story of the Alicorn”

  1. Actually, to answer your questions, we did not draw that picture. We searched it on the internet. Second, I did not write this story. If you read “Author:” It’s not my name, instead it’s Valentina. That’s my younger sister. She’s the one who wrote most of this, I only helped edit it. 😁

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