The Story of the New Dragon – Introduction

There is a cave in a grassy, flat plain on a seemingly-imaginary planet called 295xv1. This cave is much larger and emptier in the inside than it looks like from the outside, and yet it gives you a sensation that someone is there. And there certainly is.

Once you enter (if you’re brave enough to do so), the wide cave entrance will turn into a twisting tunnel. At some times it’s as wide as a house, and at others it is as narrow as a cricket. Many who go in wonder – why is this tunnel both wide and narrow? The answer is one many may have seen, but had taken no notice: This planet is big, it holds many mysteries, and it is only home to magical creatures.

Planets like 295xv1 are widely varied. In rough, sandy deserts there are fire-breathing lizards, in lush, green forest glades you can find unicorns where they are able to use their magic to heal, in flowery meadows you will see many winged-horses (pegasus) flying free, and on grassy, flat plains with a cave, you will find… Dragons.

This is the only place dragons can exist, so it is well guarded against poachers. There are serpents and dragons along the walls, that, when seeing someone come in, will question them. There’s no chance anyone can fool them, though. They can read minds, and fight, so anyone can be caught. The tunnel leads to a large cathedral cave. The cave is as tall as a five-story building, and as wide as a theatre. On the top, there is a crack that lets light filter through. Branching off from this gigantic cave are smaller tunnels. All but one of them, though, leads to a destination. If you choose the correct one, you will spend half a day walking in darkness. If you don’t choose to give up, you will soon see blinding light up ahead. Then the tunnel widens, and then opens into a grassy meadow. If you chose the wrong tunnel, it might keep you walking in the middle of nowhere, while others come to a dead end, and you’re forced to go back.

In the meadow, pegasus thrive. You can ask them if they know where a special dragon lives. Most would always reply, “With the Alicorn.” But if anyone is lucky enough to see Starlight the Alicorn, the first thing anyone should do is ask her for advice on how to get to the Cave of the Rainbow, where the special dragon lives. Starlight is the princess of DragonLand, the valley where the only dragons exist. She is wise, so she can read the heart of anyone who passes by. If she agrees, you must follow. You will be taken down a winding trail that leads to a cave. It is clear that you have arrived at the Cave of the Rainbow.

Deep in the cave, a dragon sleeps. She is pale blue, almost white, with spiraled horns that are gold on the bottom, but fade into silver at the top. Her feathery wings are blended with pink and purple. Her tail is spiked and blue, and at the end is a golden scorpion’s tail. Starlight and the Dragon are good friends, and most likely she will wake the Dragon up for you. Asking for the Dragon’s name is a good way to start, and if you do, she will reply, “I have many names, but you can call me SpiralWing.” The only thing you can ask for from SpiralWing seems simple: her story. But, in reality, it is a complicated web of events that finally lead to SpiralWing’s friendship with Starlight, and her ending up here, in the Cave of the Rainbow. If you ask SpiralWing, she will not hesitate from jumping into a detailed story, right from the beginning.

To be continued…

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